Unifying Solutions For Evolving Enterprise

Modernize for a changing marketplace
Transform and grow revenues with custom solutions
Maximize outcomes with the efficiency of trusted technologies
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Discover the Right Approach for You

Delivering innovative solutions for Cloud Applications, Data, and Security is what we do here at NVS.

We take great pride in delivering to our enterprise customers reliable, consistent services while taking care with your time frames and budgets.

Move forward confidently with our team of industry veterans and strategic technology partnerships.

Hybrid Cloud Accelerator

Combine your private, public, and on-premise cloud services to create a unified hybrid cloud.
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Digital Transformation

Use digital technologies to modify existing or create entirely new business processes.
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Business Intelligence

Ingest business data, analyze, and make decisions confidently for the future of your enterprise.

BI offers you the ability to examine your data and to understand your trends so you can develop proper insights and make the critical decisions that matter.

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Platform Optimization

Enterprise success in the modern, technological landscape can be challenging to navigate.  Platform optimization aims to bridge the gap and help your organization better prepare for the uncertainties of tomorrow.
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Our Portfolio of Experience


  1. Business Automation
  2. Infrastructure Automation
  3. Application
  4. Network
  5. Security
  6. Cloud
  7. Scaling


  1. Red Hat Openshift
  2. VMware Tanzu
  3. RancherOS
  4. Docker
  5. Cri-o
  6. Helm
  7. Operator


  1. Tomcat
  2. JBoss
  3. jBPM / Drools
  4. Kafka
  5. ActiveMQ
  6. Fuse / Camel
  7. SSO

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